Setting up the Data Export API

In order to set up and use the Data Export API from Survicate, there are some prerequisites that must be fulfilled.


  1. Survicate Account: First and foremost, you must have an account with Survicate. If you don't already have one, you can create your account at Alternatively, you can join your company's account if you've received an invitation from a colleague.

  2. Proper Subscription: Secondly, to use the Data Export API, your Survicate account must be subscribed to a plan that includes API access. Please note that without a valid subscription, any API requests will result in an error response. Please review Survicate's plans and make sure you're subscribed to the one that best suits your needs and includes API access.


To connect to the Data Export API endpoints, use the base URL:


Once you've fulfilled the prerequisites, you're ready to start using the Data Export API.

To authenticate yourself and begin your data exports, you'll need your API key. This key can be found in the Surviacate panel, specifically under the "Surveys Settings" tab, inside the "Access Keys" section.

Once you have your API key, you'll need to provide it for authentication purposes. The API key should be included in the Authorization header of your API requests. The format for this should be Basic {{apiKey}}. Remember to replace {{apiKey}} with your actual API key when making requests.

That's it! With your account set up, the right subscription, and your API key, you're ready to start using Survicate's Data Export API. Enjoy your journey in capturing and analyzing user feedback for better insights and business decisions!

Rate limiting

Survicate implements a set of rate limiting measures designed to protect our infrastructure from overwhelming traffic spikes. Adhering to these limits ensures that our services remain stable and available for all users. The rate limits are as follows:

  • Concurrent Request Limit: You can make up to 5 concurrent (simultaneous) API requests. To avoid breaching this limit, design your system to wait for a response from your current request before initiating another. This mechanism helps ensure that your operations do not overload the system with multiple simultaneous demands.
  • Workspace Request Limit: There's a cap of 1000 requests per minute for each workspace. This limit safeguards the system from an excessive number of requests within a short timeframe, enabling the fair and efficient use of our resources across all users.

In the event that you exceed any of these limits, our system will respond with a 429 Too Many Requests status code. This code serves as a signal that your operation has been temporarily blocked due to excessive requests. It is, therefore, important to manage your requests to stay within these bounds, ensuring smooth operations and uninterrupted API access.

If you have any questions or require assistance, our support team is ready to help. Please use the live chat feature located in the bottom right corner of your screen. We're here to ensure your experience is smooth and efficient.