
October 2024 (24.15.1 - 24.17.0)


  • New: Add disclaimer texts for all question types in Widget Survey, Feedback Button and Page Survey
  • New: Add comments to Matrix

Detailed Changes


24.17.0 (2024-10-22): Add comments to Matrix
24.16.0 (2024-10-14): Add disclaimer texts for all question types in Widget Survey, Feedback Button and Page Survey


24.16.3 (2024-10-18): Fix skipping scale questions with logic
24.16.2 (2024-10-17): Fix issue with selecting answers in consecutive rating questions on mobile devices
24.15.1 (2024-10-1): Fix invokeEvent issue in the NPM package

September 2024 (24.11.4 - 24.15.0)


  • New: Implement nonce for all instalation methods
  • New: Add comment fields for Smiley, Rating, Numerical, CSAT and Dropdown
  • New: Handle mandatory settings for multiple questions

Detailed Changes


24.15.0 (2024-09-30): Implement nonce for all instalation methods
24.14.0 (2024-09-25): Add comment fields for Smiley, Rating, Numerical, CSAT and Dropdown
24.12.0 (2024-09-10): Handle mandatory settings for multiple questions


24.13.2 (2024-09-20): Fix Page Survey retaking issue
24.12.3 (2024-09-11): Fix dropdown list being cut on mobile devices
24.11.4 (2024-09-04): Fix answering Page Survey in iframes

August 2024 (24.7.12 - 24.11.3)


  • New: Add schedule Page Survey retake feature
  • New: Add expiring Page Survey link feature
  • New: Enhance event targeting for Widget Survey and Feedback Button

Detailed Changes


24.11.0 (2024-08-28): Schedule Page Survey retake
24.10.0 (2024-08-28): Enchance event targeting
24.8.0 (2024-08-22): Handle an expiring Page Survey link
24.7.16 (2024-08-22): Validate phone number in the Contact Form field


24.11.3 (2024-08-30): Fix the issue with Active Campaign mobile rating
24.9.1 (2024-08-26): Fix missing styles issue in the NPM package
24.8.4 (2024-08-26): Fix fonts issue in the NPM package
24.8.2 (2024-08-26): Fix adding questions to Dropdown in the preview
24.7.13 (2024-08-08): Fix focus in the survey preview
24.7.12 (2024-08-06): Fix overwritten label styles

July 2024 (24.5.10 - 24.7.5)


  • New: Add navigation buttons in Widget Survey
  • New: Add CDN proxy support for Widget, Feedback and Page Surveys
  • Fix: Navigation issues when using keyboard to answer survey questions
  • Fix: Aria attributes in Widget Survey dialog to improve accessibility

Detailed Changes


24.7.0 (2024-07-11): Add CDN proxy support for Widget, Feedback and Page Surveys
24.6.0 (2024-07-03): Add navigation buttons in Widget Survey
24.5.10 (2024-07-03): Make the consent status in Contact Form available in the analysis


24.7.14 (2024-08-13): Fix accessibility issues
24.7.12 (2024-08-06): Fix overwritten label styles
24.7.7 (2024-07-30): Fix minimized survey preview on desktop
24.7.6 (2024-07-25): Adjust Zendesk HTML snippet to fit the character limit
24.7.5 (2024-07-23): Add display property to checkbox labels
24.7.4 (2024-07-23): Prevent styles from being overwritten
24.7.3 (2024-07-22): Fix navigation button colors
24.7.1 (2024-07-16): Count survey views, not page views
24.6.1 (2024-07-05): Fix Thank you questions progress rate

June 2024 (24.0.2 - 24.5.9)


  • New: Improve keyboard handling when answering survey using the keyboard
  • New: Update focus states in Page and Widget Surveys
  • New: Store and send JS/Segment events
  • New: Implement proper handling for right-to-left languages
  • Fix: Resolved several issues with email and mobile forms

Detailed Changes


24.5.9 (2024-06-27): Handle Matrix answer in event listener
24.5.8 (2024-06-27): Update three emojis in Smiley Scale question
24.5.7 (2024-06-27): Minimize Feedback Button on an outside click
24.5.6 (2024-06-26): Update labels size and width for rating and smiley questions for Widget Survey
24.5.3 (2024-06-24): Keep focus in Widget Survey when answering a question
24.5.2 (2024-06-24): Update tabindex for all interactive elements
24.5.1 (2024-06-20): Add role dialog to Widget Survey
24.5.0 (2024-06-20): Update focus states in Page and Widget Surveys
24.4.9 (2024-06-18): Add Aria-labels to buttons, inputs and textareas. Add Aria-live for validation messages
24.4.0 (2024-06-11): Update Matrix questions designs for Widget and Feedback Surveys in desktop view
24.3.2 (2024-06-11): Add title attributes for links
24.3.1 (2024-06-11): Update alt texts for images
24.3.0 (2024-06-11): Implement proper handling for right-to-left languages
24.2.0 (2024-06-07): Store and send JS/Segment events


24.5.5 (2024-06-26): Fix Matrix question width issue on iPad for Widget Survey
24.5.4 (2024-06-25): Fix checkbox not reacting to click in Contact Form
24.4.11 (2024-06-19): Fix company logo being cut in mobile Page Survey when navigation is enabled
24.4.7 (2024-06-14): Fix the Survey installed issue for the Web Package
24.4.6 (2024-06-13): Fix improper render of Numerical Scale question in Widget Survey on some pages
24.4.4 (2024-06-12): Fix Feedback Button issue in single page applications
24.4.1 (2024-06-11): Fix translation error for instantly apearing Widget Surveys
24.0.3 (2024-06-03): Fix missing styles in the Widget Survey templates
24.0.2 (2024-06-03): Fix text direction of a minimized Feedback Button

May 2024 (23.0.6 - 24.4.1)


  • New: Implement the new Feedback Button,
  • New: Updated Matrix animation
  • Fix: Resolved several issues with email and mobile forms

Detailed Changes


24.0.0 (2024-05-27): Implement the new Feedback Button
23.2.0 (2024-05-07): Update Matrix animation


24.0.1 (2024-05-27): Fix Mobile Survey preview
23.2.2 (2024-05-09): Check for initial config in setPreview
23.1.8 (2024-05-06): Fix response limit in translated MultipleChoice point
23.1.7 (2024-05-06): Fix checkbox issue in mobile ContactForm
23.1.6 (2024-04-19): Fix email snippet alignment
23.1.5 (2024-04-19): Fix submit button issue in email
23.1.4 (2024-04-19): Fix Contact Form loop updates for Page Survey
23.1.3 (2024-04-19): Fix autorefresh issue in PageSurvey
23.1.2 (2024-04-18): Handle SSR error in the NPM package
23.0.6 (2024-04-16): Remove border from CTA button in the Email Preview

April 2024 (22.10.5 - 23.0.4)


  • New: Use Web Components in the preview
  • Fix: Multiple improvements and bug fixes

Detailed Changes


23.0.0 (2024-04-10): Use Web Components in the preview


23.0.4 (2024-04-12): Fix PageSurvey email preview CTA button
23.0.3 (2024-04-11): Fix jumping long choice questions issue
23.0.2 (2024-04-11): Fix email snippet errors when added to Pardot email
22.10.8 (2024-04-09): Fix Page Survey closing itself after 30 minutes
22.10.5 (2024-04-02): Fix Widget close button position in finish screen

March 2024 (22.7.3 - 22.10.4)


  • New: Handle mandatory toggle for Multiple and Single Choice
  • New: Implement last seen survey rule
  • Update: Changed link in branding and thank you screens
  • Fix: Multiple UI and functional fixes
  • Fix: Various UI fixes
  • Fix: Allow ampersand in submit button

Detailed Changes


22.10.4 (2024-03-28): Change link in branding and thank you screens
22.9.0 (2024-03-08): Handle mandatory toggle for Multiple and Single Choice
22.8.0 (2024-03-05): Implement last seen survey rule


22.9.8 (2024-03-15): Prevent default and stop propagation when handling Submit button click
22.9.6 (2024-03-14): Prevent exceeding response limit in instantly recurring and kiosk
22.9.5 (2024-03-14): Fix submit button in Mobile Survey
22.9.4 (2024-03-13): Fix Rating Scale buttons background
22.9.1 (2024-03-12): Submit button default text
22.8.2 (2024-03-08): Fix Feedback Survey font color
22.8.1 (2024-03-06): Allow ampersand in submit button
22.7.3 (2024-03-04): Fix overwriting window.dispatch event issue

February 2024 (22.5.1 - 22.7.1)


  • New: Update mobile Page Survey Matrix design
  • New: Improve security
  • New: Add Matrix question type for Widget Survey
  • Fix: Various UI and functionality improvements
  • Fix: Multiple UI and functional fixes
  • Fix: Various UI and functionality improvements

Detailed Changes


22.7.0 (2024-02-27): Update mobile Page Survey Matrix design
22.5.0 (2024-02-06): Add Matrix question type in for Widget Survey
22.6.0 (2024-02-21): Improve security


22.7.1 (2024-02-28): Fix invalid Date and Dropdown input colors
22.6.1 (2024-02-26): Fix Thank You Redirect timeout
22.5.10 (2024-02-20): Add min-width and height to Rating, Smiley, close and minimize buttons
22.5.8 (2024-02-19): Add min width and height to the NPS button
22.5.7 (2024-02-19): Fix background color for finished branded thank you screen
22.5.6 (2024-02-13): Fix Survicate logo issue in branded finish screen for Widget Survey
22.5.5 (2024-02-13): Fix mobile safari Page Survey unavailable issue
22.5.4 (2024-02-08): Fix submit button moving up for mobile Page Survey
22.5.3 (2024-02-08): Fix translated messages
22.5.2 (2024-02-07): Fix link in Thank You button
22.5.1 (2024-02-07): Fix styling discrepancies in date and dropdown inputs

January 2024 (22.4.2 - 22.4.12)


  • New: Add matrix question type in web surveys
  • Update: Various dependency updates

Detailed Changes


22.4.4 (2024-01-15): Add traits and disable targeting to the NPM Web Package
22.4.2 (2024-01-12): Update types naming in the NPM package


22.4.12 (2024-02-01): Fix npm package workspace key issue
22.4.11 (2024-01-31): Fix cut off selections in dropdown question
22.4.3 (2024-01-12): Fix submit button issue

December 2023 (22.3.0)


  • New: invokeEvent method added to API

Detailed Changes


22.3.0 (2023-12-14): invokeEvent method added to API.